2021年3月25日 Lethamyr's Giant Rings Mapは出来損ない

・fix the stupid fucking reset hitboxes so this map is actually playable. 

・this rings map is very crude. the rings hitbox is bigger than what the rings suggest especially when they get smaller. it also has problems with resetting when it does not need to consequently making the map much harder than it really is. cannot recommend 

・really annoying that it sometimes resets you even though you did not even do anything wrong. The later levels are too long for that to happen so that should be fixed or the later levels should be shortened 

ワイトもそう思います...カメラが荒ぶり操作不能になること、意味不明なリセット判定、見た目よりデカい当たり判定...まじでいい加減にしろよ...あと一々糞長くてイライラする...登山部辞めます.これからspeed ring 3をやります...お尻をリングの内側でこすっただけで即イキすることが多々あり,このマップは出来損ないだと確信した.